[originaltext]W: Hi, Tony. Will you go to Tom’s home to study in a group this a

游客2023-08-24  12

W: Hi, Tony. Will you go to Tom’s home to study in a group this afternoon again?
M: Oh, I’d love to, but you know, I’m an individualist and last time was really a mess.
Q: What is the man going to do?
W: I was really upset when I entered the examination hall because the others said this examination is the most difficult. Well, when I got the paper, I was relieved.
M: You see, you cannot place too much credit in hearsay.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man thinks the woman is easily influenced by others.
B、The man thinks the woman looks down on this exam.
C、The woman thinks the difficulty of the exam is overstated.
D、The woman thinks the exam is as hard as others say.

答案 C

解析 女士说她进考场时十分紧张,因为其他人都说这是最难的考试,但是拿到试卷后,发现并不是很难;男士说不能过于相信道听途说。由此可知,女士认为这个考试的难度被夸大了。