[originaltext] Senators are people who are elected every 6 years and they re
[originaltext] Senators are people who are elected every 6 years and they re
Senators are people who are elected every 6 years and they represent a whole state. This means there are fewer senators than Congress Representatives but they do have the power to defeat any bill that has been passed by the Congress. Their function is to provide more scrutiny over the decisions and actions of the Congress Representatives, and to make sure that bills, passed by the House of Representatives, are not driven by narrow local interests. In England, the British have an appointed House of Lords to provide a "second sober thought" about new laws. In America, senators are thought to do the same thing, but the primary difference is that they are elected and very responsive to public opinion. However, because they do not have to face elections for 6 years, it was thought that they may be more rational than populists, although in practice the Senate and the Congress are still very much swayed by the views of public opinion or by powerful lobby groups. If the bill is passed in the Senate, then it goes to the President to either sign or reject. If he signs it, it becomes law, but if he rejects it, that is to say he vetoes the bill, or refuses to sign it, or as they say, pocket vetoes it, it will be sent back to the Congress. If the Congress disagrees with the President enough and does not want to change or amend the bill, they can set aside the Presidents rejection called setting aside the veto.
Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16. What aspect of the Senate does the speaker talk about?
17. What is the main difference between the American Senate and British House of Lords?
18. How often are senators elected?
19. According to the speaker, what is a veto?
A、The senators’ duties.
B、The senators’ wealth.
C、The senators’ hobbies.
D、The senators’ function.
先天性喉喘鸣患儿通常不出现下列哪项症状A、声音嘶哑 B、阵发性青紫 C、吸气
吉兰巴雷综合征与面神经炎的鉴别点是A.痛性抽搐 B.有明确原发病史 C.脑膜
医院感染中,泌尿道感染的主要致病病原体是A.表皮葡萄球菌 B.不动杆菌 C.
在我国,行使国家立法权的机构有( ) A.全国人民代表大会 B.全国人民代
中医学理论体系形成的基础有A古代自然科学的渗透 B古代哲学思想的影响 C
体内缺铁初期的最早最可靠的诊断依据是A.血清转铁蛋白饱和度下降 B.血清总铁结
A.三尖瓣关闭不全 B.二尖瓣狭窄 C.主动脉瓣关闭不全 D.室间隔缺损