[originaltext]W: OK. It’ s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.M: What

游客2023-08-24  16

W: OK. It’ s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.
M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It’ s definitely your turn.
Q: What is true according to the conversation?
M: Shall we go out for Mexican food or Chinese food tonight?
W: I don’ t care. It’ s up to you.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She will decide later.
B、She doesn’ t care for either.
C、She wants the man to decide.
D、She doesn’t want to go out.

答案 C

解析 推断题。根据女士的回答I don’t care.It’s up to you可推断女士希望男士做决定。因此,正确答案是C。