[originaltext]W: Will you take chemistry next semester? M: I’ve had enough sci

游客2023-08-24  17

W: Will you take chemistry next semester?
M: I’ve had enough science courses.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: Food in this restaurant is very hot.
W: So is the fish.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、The fish is very good.
B、The fish is very hot.
C、She does not like the fish.
D、She thinks the salad is delicious.

答案 B

解析 推断题。根据Food in this restaurant is very hot.So is the fish(这个餐馆的食物都很辣,鱼也是)可以推断出鱼也很辣,因此,正确答案为B。