[originaltext]W: Are you going to the dinner for young teachers tomorrow night?

游客2023-08-23  6

W: Are you going to the dinner for young teachers tomorrow night? Some school leaders will also be present.
M: I’m disqualified from that dinner. It’s just for single young teachers.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
W: What is the thing you fear most in your life? Losing your job? Or running into debts?
M: No. Believe it or not, the thing I fear the most is filling in forms. I don’t know why there are so many forms to fill in, and the information to fill in every time is always the same. I really can’t stand it.
Q: What do we learn about the man in the conversation?

选项 A、He must be tired of paperwork.
B、He must be a timid person.
C、He must be tired of repetitive work.
D、He must be a fearless person.

答案 C

解析 男士说他最怕填表格,而且每次都填一样的内容,让人受不了。可见他不喜欢重复性的工作。故选C。