Although the enjoyment of colour is universal and colour theory has all kind

游客2023-08-22  11

问题     Although the enjoyment of colour is universal and colour theory has all kinds of names to it, colour remains a very emotional and subjective element. Our awareness of colour is【C1】______conditioned by our culture, but colour also probably【C2】______our instincts. Out psyche (心智) reacts in different ways to colours in part through subjective associations and in part through【C3】______conditioning, and the two are often hard to separate. Black and white, for example,【C4】______us intuitively (直觉的) of night and day, darkness and light; their link with evil and good is likely the result of culture.
    There exists a universal【C5】______to feel that some colours are warm whereas other colours are cool. Colours that are near red on the colour wheel (色轮) are【C6】______warm colours — which seem more【C7】______; and colours near blue are regarded as cool colours, which seem more relaxing. Scientists have demonstrated that exposure to red light increases the heartbeat and that【C8】______to blue light slows it down. For artists the appointment of warm and cool depends on the【C9】______relationship between any two colours. A violet might be cooler than an orange, because it has blue in it, and the same violet might be warmer than green, because it has red in it. The warm-cool【C10】______helps to create exciting colour contrasts because warm colours seem warmer next to cool colours and cool colours seem cooler next to warm colours.
A) mostly I) arises
B) considered J) stimulating
C) distinction K) arouses
D) require L) tendency
E) exposure M) partially
F) cultural N) remind
G) regarded O) contrasting
H) universal [br] 【C4】


答案 N

解析 空前的主语black and whitest分号后句子中的is表明,本空应填一个动词原形,故D)require、N)remind入选。require一般用于require do sth.,后面不接of,故排除D)require“要求”。remind一般与of搭配,指“使某人想到……”,在此处指从直觉上,黑色和白色使我们想到黑夜和白天,故答案为N) remind。