[originaltext]W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and

游客2023-08-22  15

W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Susan would be free to join us.
M: Sounds great. But I’d better talk to Susan before we say yes.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Did you hear what George did last night? He was cooking dinner for the members of the Drama Club and he spilled the tomato sauce all over the kitchen.
M: Doesn’t surprise me one bit. He did the same tiling last semester, only with a Spanish club and chocolate cream.
Q: What do we learn about George from the conversation?

选项 A、He cooks for the club members quite often.
B、He wasn’t careful when he was preparing food.
C、He often fills the kitchen with tomatoes and chocolate.
D、He doesn’t like to prepare food for the club members.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士提到…George…cooking…spilled the tomato sauce all over the kitchen(……乔治……做饭……把西红柿酱洒了一厨房),男士提到He did the same thing…and chocolate cream(他上次也是这样……只是洒的是巧克力酱)。B)是对双方对话的概括总结,故答案为B)。