[originaltext]W: You don’t look smart this morning. I can see you’re not happy.

游客2023-08-22  13

W: You don’t look smart this morning. I can see you’re not happy. Come on, what happened?
M: I had never expected this would have happened to me. We had a power failure at home last night and I missed most of football match.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

选项 A、The man is a football fan.
B、The man needs the woman’s help.
C、The man didn’t watch TV last night.
D、The man often has power failure at home.

答案 A

解析 推理题。选项涉及电视、足球和断电等词,因此可推测对话内容与看电视有关,很可能是足球赛,但涉及到断电的问题。女士问男士为什么不高兴,男士说因为昨晚家里停电,他错过了大半场足球比赛。可见这位男士是个足球迷。