[originaltext]W: Mr. Deley, I have just checked my new apartment. The kitchen s

游客2023-08-22  13

W: Mr. Deley, I have just checked my new apartment. The kitchen sink is leaking.
M: OK, madam. It’s no big deal. I’ll have a maintenance man come over and fix it right away.
Q: What will the man do?
M: The university is going to hold an interesting competition on computer programming. Many of my friends have signed up for it. How about you?
W: Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?

选项 A、She lacks confidence in herself.
B、She is not interested in computer programming.
C、She has never signed up for any competition before.
D、She is sure to win the programming contest.

答案 A

解析 推理题。男士问女士是否参加电脑编程大赛;女士回答道:“你觉得不论我参加什么比赛都会赢吗?”由此可知女士对自己缺乏信心。故选A。