People tend to underestimate their life expectancy, and it’s not surprising.

游客2023-08-22  14

问题     People tend to underestimate their life expectancy, and it’s not surprising. It’s the look-around problem again: You【C1】______from life spans of older friends and family members and figure out what’s in【C2】______for you, too. But in an era of rapidly improving life expectancy, the look-around method once again gives the wrong answer.
    Life expectancy at age 65 today is 15.6 additional years for woman. For both sexes, this represents an【C3】______of more than two years just since 1970. By the time the youngest baby boomers turn 65, the Social Security Administration【C4】______that life expectancy at that age could be as high as 18 more years for men and 21 years for women. Note that everyone【C5】______very nearly a 50 percent "risk" of living longer than their life expectancy.
    That reality makes retirement planning【C6】______difficult. On the day a husband and wife【C7】______65, they may have only a year or two of living between them to finance, or they may have 70. A good rule of thumb might be to plan against the possibility that you will【C8】______three quarters of the people in your age group — an actuarial(保险核计的)calculation our Website calculator allows you to make. You may not want to【C9】______a child a college education just so you are sure to have enough money to celebrate your 95th birthday, but you also don’t want to become a burden on your children just because you unexpectedly live to be 10 years older than the【C10】______life expectancy for people your age.
A)increase B)expectancy C)generalize D)typically E)deny
F)special G)average H)maintain I)exceptionally J)outlive
K)runs L)doomed M)turn N)projects O)store [br] 【C7】


答案 M

解析 此空格后面是数字,而前一句提到了退休,所以这里的数字很可能为年龄,句子的时态为一般现在时,几个动词中词形和词义最合适的只有turn,意为“超过或到达(某年龄)”。