[originaltext]W:I bought a dressing table, and my roommate left hers to me yest

游客2023-08-22  15

W:I bought a dressing table, and my roommate left hers to me yesterday. What will I do with two dressing tables? Any suggestions?
M:Why don’t you make one of them a study desk?
Q:What does the man mean?
M:Do you want the door open or closed?
W:I’d prefer some privacy if possible. The discussion with Mr. Brown might be quite open and frank.
Q:What does the woman want?

选项 A、An open door.
B、An open discussion.
C、A private room.
D、A closed door.

答案 D

解析 男士问女士希望门开着还是关着,女士说自己希望保留一些隐私,即希望门关着。故选D。注意抓听关键词,privacy“隐私”一词已经足够说明所有问题。