[originaltext]M: Hello. I’m calling to see if the summer position you advertise

游客2023-08-21  20

M: Hello. I’m calling to see if the summer position you advertised in the paper is still available?
W: Uh, yes. Certainly. When could you come to the office for an interview?(男士问女士夏季登的招聘职位是否还是空缺,女士问男士何时来面试,可见男士是要去面试官的办公室。)
Q: What will the man probably do?
M: My room smells of cigarette smoke. I can’t stand it. Could you change my room, please?( 男士说忍受不了房间里的烟味,询问是否可以换房,可见他想要一个无烟的房间。)
W: Let me see — I’m sorry, but we don’t have any more non-smoking rooms. We won’t charge you for your room tonight.
Q: What can you learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man doesn’t want to pay for the room.
B、The man likes smoking.
C、The man wants to have a non-smoking room.
D、There’s no more room in the hotel.

答案 C
