[originaltext]M: Oh, I’m sorry, I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape

游客2023-08-21  12

M: Oh, I’m sorry, I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me. I left it back in my dorm.
W: That’s all right. I won’t need it until tonight. As long as I’ve got it by then(女士说她晚上才会用,那时还就可以。)
Q: What does the woman imply?
W: I intend to buy some fruit for the children. These apples and pears seem to be in season. I’ll get 2 dozen of each.
M: I hope they are as good as they look.( 男士说希望苹果和梨能像开起来那么好,暗示苹果和梨也许没那么好。)
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The apples and pears might not be so good.
B、The apples are not as good as the pears.
C、The apples and pears are very good.
D、The apples and pears are as good as they look.

答案 A
