[originaltext]M:I don’t like the sound of that car engine.W:I’m certain it’s n

游客2023-08-21  9

M:I don’t like the sound of that car engine.
W:I’m certain it’s nothing to worry about. I just had it serviced a few days ago.
Q:What does the woman mean?
M:Peter wasn’t in class today.
W:I heard. What I want to know is if he’s still coming to my party tonight.
Q:What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She wants to go to Peter’s party.
B、She thought Peter went to class today.
C、She wonders whether Peter will attend her party.
D、She heard Peter went to a party instead of to class.

答案 C

解析 “if”一般是表示条件或假设的连词,意为“如果”,但在非正式的用法中,它也常常可以用来表示不确定性,相当于“whether”,意思是“是否”。W想知道Peter今晚是否仍然会来参加晚会。四个选项中,只有C出现了whether一词,因此选C。