[originaltext]M:Hello. University Bocks. Tim Weber speaking.W:Hi. Tim, this is

游客2023-08-21  11

M:Hello. University Bocks. Tim Weber speaking.
W:Hi. Tim, this is Ruth.
M:Oh, hi, Ruth. What’s up?
W: Well, the Student Federation needs a couple of volunteers to give guided tours to the new students during orientation next week. Would you be able to help out?
M:That depends on the days you had in mind. I’m working here full-time before classes begin. It’s really busy now, with all the textbook orders coming in, but I do have some time off.
W:What about Saturday? Most new students arrive on the weekend.
M:Sorry, I have to work all day Saturday. How about Thursday and Friday? I’ve got both morning free.
W:I don’t have the schedule on me Ken’s got it. Maybe you can set something up with him.
M:I’ll only be able to spare a couple of hours though.
W:No problem. I’ll ask Ken to get in touch with you later today. Will you be at this number?
M:Yeah, till four Look. I’ve got to go. I have to get all the orders out before I leave today.
W: Ok, thanks, Tim. Bye.
5. Why did Ruth call Tim?
6. What does Ruth say about the new students?
7. What does Tim offer to do?
8. What will probably happen as a result of this conversation?

选项 A、Many of then work full-time.
B、They usually arrive on the weekend.
C、They have volunteered for the orientation.
D、They will need new textbooks.

答案 B

解析 这是一道细节题。考生只要听到了W说的“Most new students arrive onthe weekend.”(大多数新生周末抵达。)这句话就能选择出正确答案。