云锦(cloud—pattern brocade)是我国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,由于用料考究、织工精细、图案色彩典雅富丽,宛如天上彩云般的瑰丽,故称“云

游客2023-08-21  37

问题     云锦(cloud—pattern brocade)是我国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,由于用料考究、织工精细、图案色彩典雅富丽,宛如天上彩云般的瑰丽,故称“云锦"。现在只有南京生产,故常称为“南京云锦",至今已有1 580年的历史。南京云锦集历代织锦工艺之大成,元、明、清三朝均为皇家御用贡品(tribute)。云锦因其丰富的文化和科技内涵,被专家称作是中国古代织锦工艺史上最后一座里程碑,被称为“中华瑰宝”、“东方一绝”。


答案     Yun Jin, or cloud-pattern brocade is an excellent representative of traditional Chinese culture. It gets the name since it is as splendid as the iridescent clouds in the sky with its carefully selected material, exquisite fabrication, elegant pattern and gorgeous color. Yun Jin has a long story of 1 580 years but it is now produced in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, China exclusively, therefore it is often named as Nanjing Yun Jin. Nanjing Yun Jin became a masterpiece of ancient art, serving as the royal tributes in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Thanks to its rich cultural and scientific content, Yun Jin is called by specialists the last milestone in the development of brocade fabrication in ancient China and wins the name of "Chinese gem" and "oriental speciality".
