[originaltext]W: I was shocked to hear of your wife’s illness. Is she going to

游客2023-08-20  15

W: I was shocked to hear of your wife’s illness. Is she going to be all right?
M: At first, the doctors weren’t sure, but she’s really improved. She’ll be home next week.
Q: What do we learn about the man’s wife from the conversation?
M: Excuse me. Can I get a ticket for a sleeping compartment on this train?
W: Yes. There are four left. The price is 60 pounds per person, including a continental breakfast.
Q: What is the man doing?

选项 A、Ordering a breakfast.
B、Booking a hotel room.
C、Buying a train ticket..
D、Fixing a compartment.

答案 C

解析 对话一开头,男士就明确说要买一张火车卧铺票;女士告诉他票价为60英镑,其中包含一顿免费欧式早餐。可见,男士正在做的事情是购买火车票,故答案为C)。