Job hunting is never easy, but what if data could be used to make the proces

游客2023-08-20  10

问题     Job hunting is never easy, but what if data could be used to make the process a little less stressful?
    Companies such as LinkedIn and Monster, com hold vast amounts of information on people’s professional lives, but there is one organization that surpasses them all: the federal government. Although rich and comprehensive, government labor data can often be hard to access, bound by red tape and cloaked in jargon.
    "With today’s technologies, we can do a lot more to build open data sets for skills," said Aneesh Chopra, the White House’s first chief technology officer and founder of Arlington-based start-up Hunch Analytics. During his tenure, Chopra’s role involved making government data more accessible. It’s a mission he has continued after his departure, assembling a band of public officials, tech entrepreneurs and think-tank analysts whose focus is firmly on the labor market.
    A robust economic recovery tempered by flat wages has reinforced the need to connect Americans with higher-paying technology jobs, according to the White House. That was the rationale behind the President’s new initiative, announced last week, to train and hire Americans for more than 500,000 unfilled information technology jobs through partnerships with local communities.
    " There’s not a standard, real-time, modern way to identify all the skills our economy needs in play today. Workforce and talent planners have a daunting job in ensuring they have a ’ ready-now’ workforce, so the more data they can get, the better informed they are. " said Leighanne Levensaler, senior vice president of products at Workday, a human resources software company that was involved in the project.
    The closest thing to a standard national database is the Labor Department’s Occupational Information Network Website, known as O * Net. Built in the 1990s, the site compiles data on more than 900 occupations, with details about job skills, average compensation and a search tool to find jobs by state. But although the site is continually updated, it has been slow to keep pace with the changing job market, according to Chopra and Levensaler.
    A push to modernize O * Net is the group’s next big undertaking. The President’s 2016 budget proposal includes a $ 5 million request to study and test approaches " to modernize and potentially streamline data collection" for O * Net. The measure seeks to provide " up-to-date coverage of occupations and skills, particularly for high-growth, changing industries." Chopra convened a roundtable of government officials, academics and private-sector executives last month to discuss measures to improve O * Net. Workday and Linkedln are among the companies interested in the effort— which is still at a conceptual stage, Chopra said.
    To open-data advocates such as Chopra, there’s no better time to harness the power of information for the economy. "No one company, no matter how amazing they are, has the capacity to get every employer in America to open up their skills data for every job posting," he said. " The government has the capacity to convene stakeholders to open up the data. " [br] Which of the following statements would Leighanne be most likely to agree with?

选项 A、The government should issue information about higher-paying vacancies.
B、It is impossible to include all kinds of professional skills in database.
C、Workforce should be prepared at any time for jobs in great need.
D、More information helps planners to connect workforce with positions.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。定位句指出,劳务与人才规划者们肩负着令人生畏的任务,他们要确保可以拥有“随时准备着的”人力资源。所以,他们得到的数据越多,就越能获得更多的信息。而对于劳动力做好准备的具体意思还可回溯到第四段首句,即将适合的劳动力与岗位联系起来。可见,Leighanne认为充分的数据可以帮助规划者将劳动力与岗位联系起来,故答案为D)。A)“政府应该发布高薪岗位的信息”,虽然第四段强调了联系劳动力与高薪岗位的重要性,但Leighanne并没有提出要求政府发布这方面的信息,故排除;B)“在数据库中囊括所有门类的职业技能是不可能的”,该句是对第五段首句的曲解,原文提到识别当今经济所需的全部技能并没有一个标准的、实时的和现代的办法,但这并不意味着这个目标是不可实现的,故排除;C)“劳动力应该随时为稀缺岗位做好准备”,确保劳动力满足岗位需求是规划者的责任,而不是强调劳动者本身的准备,故排除。