[originaltext]W: I have a very important appointment to attend this afternoon.

游客2023-08-20  19

W: I have a very important appointment to attend this afternoon. Would you mind keeping an eye on my dorm? You know I have lost my key.
M: OK. But you’d better come before 5:00 because I happen to have a meeting this evening.
Q: What will the man probably do?
W: The term paper is due tomorrow. I see you are busy doing it today.
M: It should have been finished yet, but my tutor said a disputed topic was hard to manage.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man can’t finish his paper by the deadline.
B、The man has to revise his paper carefully.
C、The man can manage his topic of the paper well.
D、The man can’t follow tutor’s line of thought.

答案 B

解析 校园生活类,弦外之音题。女士说论文明天就要交了,男士说论文本来能完成了,但导师说一个有争议的话题很难把握。言外之意,男士需要仔细修改或完善论文。