[originaltext]M: Hey, Amanda! How come you’re wearing a suit? I’ve never seen y

游客2023-08-20  21

M: Hey, Amanda! How come you’re wearing a suit? I’ve never seen you dress so formally!
W:(13)It’s because I have a job interview this afternoon at the department store. I responded to a newspaper advertisement for a summer job by sending my resume. Since summer vacation is about to start soon, I need something useful to do in my free time.
M: Amanda, you’re always so hardworking. I remember last summer vacation you did something too.
W: Yeah, I worked as a door-to-door salesperson for my grandmother. She made some handwork at home, like table cloth with embroidering. And grandma allowed me to keep all the money.
M: Wow, how kind she is! Now that I think about it, it’s not a bad idea to get some work experience, and earn some extra cash while we’re at it.(14)Amanda, do me a favor—when you go for your interview, can you ask if there is another vacancy?
W: Sure. The experience will definitely be an advantage when we’re applying for jobs after graduating from college.(15)I’ve read that the first step to building a career is gaining as much experience as possible.
M: Amanda, isn’t it nearly time for your interview?
W: Oh, yeah! Thanks for reminding me, Mike. Wish me luck! I’m feeling nervous. I hope I don’t make any blunders at the interview.
M: You’ll do great, Amanda. By the way, if you need me, I’ll be sitting at the cafe and sipping some lemonade while you’re at your interview.
13. Why is the woman dressed formally?
14. What does the man ask the woman to do?
15. According to the woman, what is the first thing to build a career?

选项 A、Gaining as much experience as possible.
B、Gaining an advantage over other applicants.
C、Making adequate preparation for the interview.
D、Avoiding being nervous and making any mistakes.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。本题问的是根据女士的说法,建立自己的事业的第一步是什么。对话中女士明确指出,积累尽可能多的经验是建立自己事业的第一步。