[originaltext]M: It is raining hard, but I have to fix my computer. You know I

游客2023-08-20  8

M: It is raining hard, but I have to fix my computer. You know I haven’t surfed the Internet for months.
W: Three days doesn’t mean months. If I were you, I would rather read books than take risks in the rain.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: I have to ask for a leave for something urgent. But I haven’t handed in my paper which is due tomorrow.
W: You may just leave it there. Anyway I have to turn in mine after a class discussion about the assigned topic tomorrow.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She has to make a presentation of her paper.
B、She wants the man to hand in it himself.
C、She hasn’t finished her paper yet.
D、She can turn in the paper for the man.

答案 D

解析 校园生活类,弦外之音题。男士说要请假但是还没有把论文交上,女士让男士放在那里,因为明天完成课堂讨论后她也要上交自己的论文。言外之意,女士会帮男士交论文。