[originaltext]W: Hi, Mike! Do you think the architecture enhances the skyline,

游客2023-08-20  13

W: Hi, Mike! Do you think the architecture enhances the skyline, or detracts from the historical buildings?
M: I wouldn’t say it’s an eyesore... Maybe it does look a bit out of place, but I think that’s perfectly all right for the city.
Q: What does the man think of the architecture?
W: This year my American friends will have an event called "Alternative Christmas." What does it mean?
M: Well, they will take Christmas traditions and change them slightly. For example, instead of the traditional Christmas tree they will have a punk rock Christmas glade.
Q: What can we know about "Alternative Christmas"?

选项 A、It refers to a brand-new Christmas without traditional activities.
B、It celebrates Christmas on a different day.
C、It changes Christmas traditions slightly.
D、It celebrates Christmas with a punk rock Christmas glade.

答案 C

解析 娱乐休闲类,语义理解题。女士说今年她的美国朋友将举办一个活动,叫作“另类圣诞节”,问男士它是什么意思;男士说他们将继承圣诞节传统,但稍微加以改变,比如用蓬克摇滚风格的圣诞林间空地代替传统的圣诞树。由此可知另类圣诞节是指对圣诞传统稍加改变。