[originaltext]M: I’m really worried about the speech I’m going to give tonight.

游客2023-08-20  20

M: I’m really worried about the speech I’m going to give tonight.
W: Why? In fact, everybody is deeply impressed by your last speech. My classmate even wants to get some experience from you.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Are you disappointed that Bill won the election? I mean, you will be the great president for the debating.
W: You know, with all of my course work, I feel like a two-ton trunk’s lift off my shoulders.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She plans to compete in the election next year.
B、She plans to select another course.
C、She is relieved that she lost the election.
D、She is angry with Bill.

答案 C

解析 校园生活类,观点态度题。男士问女士是否为Bill当选而自己落选感到失望,女士说她有很多功课要做,落选反而使她觉得如释重负。