[originaltext]W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the

游客2023-08-20  10

W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the public. Do you know it?
M: Yeah, the day the bridge opened hundreds of people walked on it and it started to sway in a disconcerting way!
Q: What was the problem when the bridge opened to the public?
W: Well, Jimmy, the school year is almost over. We just have two more weeks before exams. What do you plan to do this summer?
M: I’m going to teach English to some immigrants in the university’s community service program.
Q: What is the man going to do this summer?

选项 A、Join the community service program.
B、Interview some immigrants.
C、Visit some immigrants.
D、Teach English as a part-time job.

答案 A

解析 校园生活类,行动计划题。女士说本学年快结束了,离考试还有两周,问男士暑假有什么打算。男士说他想参加学校的社区服务项目,教移民英语。由此可以推断这个暑假男士打算参加社区服务项目。