[originaltext]W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the

游客2023-08-20  11

W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the public. Do you know it?
M: Yeah, the day the bridge opened hundreds of people walked on it and it started to sway in a disconcerting way!
Q: What was the problem when the bridge opened to the public?
W: Well, I think it’s going to be a gorgeous day. How about going for a drive in the country?
M: Sounds like a great idea. We’ve been in Canada for almost a month, but we haven’t seen much of the countryside yet.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、It is going to be cloudy in the afternoon.
B、The woman suggests a drive to the downtown area.
C、The man has been in Canada for nearly a month.
D、The man has never seen the countryside before.

答案 C

解析 旅行交通类,事实细节题。女士说天气不错,便提议去郊区兜风。男士表示赞同并说他们在加拿大已经待了接近一个月,还没怎么去过郊区。