[originaltext]W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the

游客2023-08-20  14

W: I heard that there was a problem when the bridge opened to the public. Do you know it?
M: Yeah, the day the bridge opened hundreds of people walked on it and it started to sway in a disconcerting way!
Q: What was the problem when the bridge opened to the public?

选项 A、It was shut down soon.
B、It collapsed when people walked on it.
C、It swayed when people jumped on it.
D、It swayed disconcertingly when people walked across it.

答案 D

解析 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士听说桥梁在开通时发生了点问题。男士说开通那天当数以百计的人在桥上行走时,桥开始晃动起来,让人心惊肉跳。