[originaltext]W: You are late again! We’ve been expecting you for an hour. For

游客2023-08-20  24

W: You are late again! We’ve been expecting you for an hour. For what reason this time?
M: I’m terribly sorry. I couldn’t start my car, and then I had to send for my mechanic to fix it. I really don’t know things would turn out to be like this.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
M: I like the way you’ve done your hair, dear. It looks so natural and original.
W: Thank you. I’m surprised you noticed it though. I spent the whole morning in the hair salon, and I really didn’t know what would come out until Michael, the hairdresser, told me it was done.
Q: What does the conversation tell us?

选项 A、The husband went to the hair salon with his wife.
B、The wife is annoyed at her husband’s complaint.
C、The husband is not usually so observant.
D、The wife is going to the hairdresser’s.

答案 C

解析 关键是听懂女士所说的“我很惊讶你注意到了我发型的变化”。由此推断男士平时可能不注意这些,否则女士不会用surprise一词,故选C。