[originaltext]W: What is the home assignment from professor Smith? I missed the

游客2023-08-19  11

W: What is the home assignment from professor Smith? I missed the class this morning.
M: Finish reading Chapters 5 and 6, and write an essay based on Chapter 3 and 4. Remember, it’s your turn to give a presentation next Monday.
Q: What will the woman do in addition to home assignment for the whole class?

选项 A、Read four chapters.
B、Write an article.
C、Speak before the class.
D、Preview two chapters.

答案 C

解析 男士告诉女士要读完两章、写一篇文章,另外他还提醒女士别忘了下周一轮到她做presentation。因此C正确。原形动词选项,一般问打算、计划或将要做什么。A、B、D都跟作业内容相关,C是男士另外提醒女士的内容,符合题目所问的“除了作业外,女士还要做什么”。