A tattoo may give parents of children with food allergies some peace of mind

游客2023-08-18  18

问题     A tattoo may give parents of children with food allergies some peace of mind when they send their kids off to school. Yes, a tattoo—but it’s a【C1】______one.
    SafetyTat sells colorful stick-on labels and wash-off tattoos that【C2】______of a nut allergy or provide other important medical information. Michele Welsh, a mother-of-three,【C3】______the company about five years ago. The idea came to her after she wrote her cell phone number on her kids’ arms with a pen in case they got【C4】______while at an amusement park She then thought of her nephew, who has a【C5】______fatal peanut allergy and how much time her sister-in-law had spent in the emergency room with him. What if she could just have a【C6】______!
    Welsh pointed out that caregivers may remember not to give the child a peanut butter cookie, but【C7】______they don’t think to look on the packaging of other products. "Sometimes you need something visual to remind others to check the ingredients," she said "And for older kids it’s not as big of a【C8】______because they know to check the ingredients themselves, but the little kids are still learning."
    However, some have expressed【C9】______that the labels would draw unwanted attention from schoolyard bullies. "A lot of kids do get bullied at school about their food allergies, so some parents fear that this might give more ammunition to kids," Kevin McGrath, a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy.
    However, he did say that the tattoos "may just be another thing to make parents feel more【C10】______when sending their children off to a party or picnic or class trip."
    A)separated B)warn C)generally D)negotiated
    E)apparently F)established G)challenge H)reminder
    I)confident J)concerns K)potentially L)remind
    M)temporary N)incentive O)radiant [br] 【C3】


答案 F

解析 句子缺少谓语,句中的five years ago提示要用过去时态,故空格处应填入动词过去式。此处应选established,意为Michele Welsh大约在五年前创立了这家公司。