Fears, in general, keep us from reaching our full potential. Fear of success

游客2023-08-18  17

问题     Fears, in general, keep us from reaching our full potential. Fear of success is probably one of the hardest fears to identify, a fear that lies in unconsciousness and one that has the power to really keep us stuck.
    Dealing with fear of success requires us to look at ourselves and take responsibility for areas within us, but most times we attribute to other people or【C1】______events. After all, you may be thinking, who would sabotage(蓄意破坏)their own efforts to succeed and more【C2】______why would anyone do that?
    It’s important to understand that fear of success—like many other fears—is unconscious. Success implies visibility: being seen by others involves a level of vulnerability and【C3】______that we ought to engage in, in order to let the ones around believe in our abilities and trust that what we do is valuable and worthy. Before others are able to do any of these things, we must be the first to believe and trust in our own abilities.
    For the most part, we can control how we【C4】______ourselves in front of the world, the message we are trying to【C5】______, and so on. Yet earning someone’s trust and furthering our accomplishments requires cohesiveness between the images we are trying to convey and what others perceive.
    You may be very apt at maintaining a certain image and yet the people around【C6】______much more than what you want to【C7】______. Human beings are able to pick up on subtle cues in our non-verbal communication, including how we feel toward ourselves. What that means is that if at the core we have【C8】______about ourselves, insecurities about our abilities and low levels of【C9】______in what we do, then unconsciously, we will attempt to guard these areas from the eyes of others. This is where fear of success comes into play: aware of some of these shortcomings and in an attempt to hide our "weakness" we end up acting in an【C10】______manner and in the process, create a less than cohesive and consistent image. In short, we end up blocking ourselves.
A)commonsense I)external
B)confidence J)importantly
C)convey K)inauthentic
D)describe L)negatively
E)doubts M)perceive
F)explore N)present
G)expose O)suspicion
H)exposure [br] 【C3】


答案 H

解析 空格位于and之后,再结合句子的结构可知,空格处所缺词与vulnerability形成并列关系,由此推断应填入名词。由于与vulnerability构成并列关系,因此所填词的意思与感情色彩应与其一致,同时根据上下文可知,此句的意思应为“成功就意味着能见度与可见性,而被他人看见就涉及我们可能会陷入的脆弱性和——”,结合五个名词备选项,只有H)exposure“曝光,暴露”符合语境,因此答案为H)。其他几个备选项均与上下文语义不符,故排除。