
游客2023-08-17  33

问题     文化不仅仅停留在纸面上,更普遍地存在于日常生活风习中,酒文化也是如此。喝酒者和参加饮宴的人并不以酒文化的传播者而出现,但传统的饮宴礼俗,约定俗成的聚饮方式,乃至与酒有关的各种行为心态,无不或隐或显地呈现中国文化的特有色彩。有的有渊源踪迹可寻,有的已成为一种精神积淀,只有深谙中国酒文化的人才能有所意识。从这个意义上说,酒文化不但是中国文化的一个分支,又是从整体上认识中国文化的一个重要的角度。


答案     The culture not only exists on the paper, but also in the daily living climate widely, so as the wine culture. The drinkers and the people attending the feast don’t appear as the transmitter of the wine culture, however, the traditional feast custom, the conventional drinking mode, and even all kinds of behavior mentality relevant to wine all express the unique Chinese culture implicitly or explicitly. Some can be found the origin through traces, and some has been the spiritual deposit, which is only aware of by those who know well about the Chinese wine culture. In this sense, the wine culture is not only a branch of the Chinese culture but also an important angle to know the Chinese culture on the whole.
