[originaltext] For me the most magical moment in this week’s news was the si
[originaltext] For me the most magical moment in this week’s news was the si
For me the most magical moment in this week’s news was the sight of a 106-year-old woman, Virginia McLaurin dancing with the President and the First Lady in the White House. There she was, glowing with excitement like a child: thrilled to be in the White House, thrilled in American Black History Month to be holding hands with a black President and First Lady after all that history of slavery and suffering. It was glorious. And other people thought so as well because 60 million have watched the video. How do you get to be that old and stay that young?
The best answer I know is at the end of the book of Deuteronomy. The Bible says about Moses that at the age of 120, "his eye was undimmed and his natural energy not weak." I used to think that these were just two descriptions, until I realized that the first was the explanation of the second. Why didn’t his energy decline? Because his eye was undimmed. Because he never lost the ideals of his youth, and his belief that his people could emerge from slavery and, inspired by God, write its own chapter in the history of the human spirit.
And despite all the setbacks, despite the fact that a journey that should have taken days took decades, he never lost hope, never stopped journeying toward the Promised Land.
A few months ago, Lord Weidenfeld died at the age of 96. He too stayed active almost to the very end with plans to bring peace to troubled parts of the world. On his 92nd birthday he was interviewed by a journalist who said, "In their nineties, most people think about slowing down. You seem to be speeding up. Why is that?" He replied, "When you get to be 92 you see the door beginning to close, and I have so much to do before it closes that the older I get, the harder I have to work." That’s how he stayed young.
It isn’t always possible: we get weak, the body ages, the mind fades. But while we can, let’s live the life of the spirit to the full. We are as young as our ideals. Never lose faith: never lose hope: never close your mind to wonder. And when the President asked Virginia McLaurin for the secret of being able to dance at 106, she didn’t reply: she danced. "Just keep moving," said the First Lady with a smile.
23 What was the most magical moment in this week’s news according to the speaker?
24 What was Moses’ secret to stay young according to the speaker?
25 What do we learn about Lord Weidenfeld?
A、When the President and the First Lady danced in the White House.
B、When an old slave was interviewed about American Black History.
C、When an old lady danced with the President and the First lady.
D、When some African American children visited the White House.
下列药斗架中不用特殊存放的中药是A形状类似的饮片 B贵重药物 C毒性药物
(2017年11月)培训项目设计的基本原则包括( )A.满足需求 B.突出重
常用于治疗下肢疼痛、不寐的腧穴是 A.中脘B.悬钟C.三阴交D.天枢
抑制胃液分泌的因素是( )。A.盐酸 B.脂肪 C.高张溶液 D.蛋白分
控制消化道平滑肌收缩节律的基础是A.慢波 B.动作电位 C.壁内神经丛活动
普遍津贴型社会保障的资金来源是()。A.政府预算拨款 B.个人缴费为主