[originaltext]M: Hello Ms Smith. I assume you are here about the job opening. D
[originaltext]M: Hello Ms Smith. I assume you are here about the job opening. D
M: Hello Ms Smith. I assume you are here about the job opening. Did you bring your resume?
W: Yes sir. I did bring it and I can leave a copy with you. You will see that I have a lot of on-the-job experience selling software. I have over ten years of experience in this field and I think you will like what my references have to say about me.
M: Well, you sure seem to have a lot of confidence. I like that in a prospective employee. Why did you leave your last job?
W: I decided to leave the last company I worked for because there was no room for growth Last year I was passed over for a promotion to sales manager. The boss’s son-in-law got the job. Everyone knew I was the better fit for the job.
M: The position we are looking to fill is a sales position similar to the one you just left. Do you feel you are overqualified for this job?
W: No sir. I did my research and your company is larger than my previous employer. Your annual sales are three times that of my old company.
M: Yes. We have increased business significantly in the last three years. And, how did you hear about the position?
W: I went to a career fair last week in the civic center downtown. A little networking is always a good idea. I met one of your employees from HR there. That’s where I got the lead on this job.
M: I think you would be a huge asset to this company. I’d like to offer you the position. What do you think?
W: That’s great, sir. I will accept. I’ll be setting sales records in this company in my first year!
1 What is the woman experienced in?
2 What do we learn about Ms Smith on her interview?
3 For what reason did Ms Smith leave her last job?
4 What does Ms Smith say about the career fair?
A、She was replaced by another employee.
B、She was fired by her last boss.
C、She couldn’t find room for improvement.
D、She couldn’t make any progress in her job.
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