[originaltext]W: Steven, if I go to England, which one would you say is the bes

游客2023-08-17  15

W: Steven, if I go to England, which one would you say is the best? Manchester, Liverpool, or London?
M: Out of those three, I would have to say London.(5)I’ve never actually been to Liverpool, so I can’t comment on it. I have spent a short time in Manchester before.
W: So what do you think about Manchester?
M: Uh, I enjoyed Manchester. It’s a very lively city. It has lots of good clubs and(6)some interesting shopping malls. Ah, there’re some good markets, too. But I’ve actually lived in London and I feel like my heart is in London. I feel like a Londoner, and London has everything to offer.
W: Well, in London there’re many parts, right? So, if I do go to London, which part of London is the best place to go and stay?
M: Um, it depends on what you want to do.(7)If you want to see the sites, then you’d obviously want to stay centrally, I’d have thought. Um, most of the famous landmarks are in the center.
W: Interesting! But you know I want to spend some time living in London, not just visiting the famous sites. So what would you recommend?
M: Well,(8)if you want to experience just an ordinary side of London, you can live a bit further out. I actually lived in the south of London, just below Brixton.
W: How do you find the life there? Do you enjoy living there?
M: The atmosphere there is very lively. It’s actually a nice area to live in, I think.
W: Oh, sounds good. Thanks.
5. Why doesn’t the man make any comment on Liverpool?
6. What can we learn about Manchester according to the man?
7. Where should the woman go in London if she wants to enjoy the beautiful sites?
8. What can the woman experience if she lives a bit further out of London?

选项 A、Its southern part is most suitable to live in.
B、It is a wonderful place for shopping.
C、It doesn’t have many entertainment places.
D、Its atmosphere is a little boring.

答案 B

解析 本题问的是曼彻斯特的信息。对话中,女士问男士曼彻斯特怎么样,男士回答说他喜欢曼彻斯特,它是一个富有生机的城市,里面有很多好的俱乐部和有趣的购物商场。也就是说曼彻斯特是一个购物的好地方。