[originaltext] We’ve been looking at fear from biological perspective. And s
[originaltext] We’ve been looking at fear from biological perspective. And s
We’ve been looking at fear from biological perspective. And someone asked whether the tendency to be fearful is genetic. While some study done with mice indicate that mammals do inherit fearfulness to some degree. In one study for instance, a group of mice were placed in the bright lit open boxes with no hiding places. Some of the mice wondered around the box and didn’ t appear to be bothered about being so exposed. But other mice didn’ t move. They stayed up against one wall, which indicate that they were afraid. Well, when fearful mice or you might say anxious mice like ones who stayed in one place. When mice like this were bred with one another repeatedly, after about 12 or so generations, then all of the offspring show similar signs of fearfulness. And even when the new born mouse from this generation was raised by a mother and with other mice who were not fearful, that mice still tend to be fearful as the result. Now, why is this? Well, it’s thought that the specific gene in animal body have influenced on the anxious behavior. These genes that are associated with particular nerve cell receptors in brain. And the degree of overall fearfulness in the mammal seem to depend in the large part on the presence or absence of these nerve cell receptors. And this appears to apply to humans as well by the way. But while the tendency towards anxiety and fear may well be an inherited trait, but the specific form that the fear takes has more to do individual environment. So a particular fear like the fear of snakes or the fear of spider, say, is not genetic. But the overall tendency to have fearful responses is. Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 18.
16. How did some of the mice in the study demonstrated that they were afraid?
17. According to the professor, what contribute to a mammal tendency to be fearful?
18. Why does the professor mention snakes and spiders?
A、The extent of damage to the nervous system.
B、The presence or absence of certain nerve-cell receptors.
C、The size of nerve-cell receptors in the brain.
D、The level of danger in the mammal’s environment.
细节题。根据And the degree of overall fearfulness in the mammal seem to depend in the large part on the presence or absence of these nerve cell receptors.可知,正确答案为B。
CT扫描与普通体层摄影相比较,其最大优点是()A.密度分辨率高 B.操作简单
高钾血症见于A.肺心病 B.呼吸性酸中毒 C.代谢性酸中毒 D.代谢性碱中
有关依靠群众办学的说法不正确的是( )A.群众教育由群众自己办 B.依靠群众
肠阿米巴病溃疡的特点是 A.地图状溃疡B.圆形或椭圆形溃疡,溃疡长轴与肠管长