
游客2023-08-16  34

问题      中国发展已经取得了巨大的成就,但我们清楚地认识到,中国还是最大的发展中国家,人均国内生产总值在世界排名不高,科技水平与发达国家有较大差距。经济正在进行提质增效,但仍然存在着很多制约发展的体制和机制 (systemic and institutional)障碍。中国要实现更大更好的发展,到21世纪中叶进入中等发达国家(moderately developed country)行列,关键是坚持走改革创新之路,进一步解放思想,把人民群众的创造潜能充分激发出来,使整个社会充满生机活力,形成支撑发展源源不断的动力。


答案     China has made remarkable achievements in development. However, we know clearly that China is still the largest developing country, ranking low in the world in terms of per capita GDP, and lags far behind developed countries in science and technology. The quality and efficiency of the economy is in the process of improving, but there remain many systemic and institutional obstacles that stand in the way of development. In order to achieve faster and better growth and become a moderately developed country by the middle of this century, what is crucial is to persist in reform and innovation, further free the mind, and stimulate the creativity of people, which can make the whole society full of vigor and vitality, providing a reservoir of energy that propels development.
