
游客2023-08-15  21

问题     全世界糖尿病(diabetes)患者共有3.66亿。中国有高达9200多万患者。居世界首位。也就是说,平均每10个成年人中就有一人被确诊患有这个慢性疾病。此外,还有1.48亿中国人处于糖尿病前期(pre-diabetic)。令人担心的是,这个数字预计会继续攀升。专家称生活方式上的一系列因素,如不健康的饮食、缺乏身体锻炼、抽烟以及酗酒都会增加罹患糖尿病的几率。除了上述的不良生活习惯外,日益增多的老龄化人口也是造成糖尿病患者数量上升的原因。


答案     The total number of people with diabetes in the world is 366 million. China ranks the first, with up to 92 million people suffering from it. That is to say, one out of ten adults on average is diagnosed with this chronic disease. Apart from that, another 148 million Chinese citizens are in pre-diabetic. It is worrisome that the number is projected to keep climbing. Experts say a series of lifestyle factors, such as an unhealthy diet, a lack of physical exercise, smoking and excessive drinking, can increase the chance of getting diabetes. In addition to the unhealthy lifestyles mentioned above, the increasing aging population also contributes to the rising number of patients with diabetes.

解析 1.第一句“全世界糖尿病患者共有3.66亿”可以使用there be句型,也可将它理解为“全世界糖尿病患者的总人数是3.66亿”,翻译时增译“总人数”,并将其处理成主语,译作The total number of people with diabetes is…。
2.第二句主干可处理为“中国位居世界首位”,译为China ranks the first;“有高达9200多万患者”可用with引导的介词短语来表达。以数据解释说明中国位居世界第一的原因。
3.“此外。还有1.48亿中国人处于糖尿病前期”中的“还有1.48亿”可采用there be句型,但不如将其译成another 148 million简练、地道。
4.“令人担心的是,这个数字预计会继续攀升”,此句可将“担心”一词转化成形容词,译成It is worrisome...,后接that引导的主语从句,说明“担心”的事是什么。