Humanity’ s power to control the four-letter code of life has【C1】______by leaps

游客2023-08-10  13

问题 Humanity’ s power to control the four-letter code of life has【C1】______by leaps and bounds. A new gene-editing technology called CRISPR-Cas9, which was not discovered until 2012, has been the subject of particular excitement. It allows DNA to be edited easily, raising hopes that it could eventually be used to【C2】______human suffering. This week, however, CRISPR has caused more 【C3】______than optimism, because of claims by a Chinese scientist that he edited the genomes of twin girls when they were embryos, as part of IVF treatment.
He Jiankui, of the Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen—which was not 【C4】______in the work—says he edited a gene, CCR5, that allows HIV to infect human cell. There is still uncertainty over what Mr. He has done. But it is just a matter of time before someone, somewhere, edits human embryos that are grown into babies. Governments and regulators need to pay heed.
Presume that Mr. He’ s assertions are truthful. One day it may【C5】______to edit an embryo—to cure genetic diseases, say. That day has not arrived. The technology is so new that the risks to human subjects cannot possibly justify the benefits. Scientists do not fully understand the scope of the【C6】______damage CRISPR does to DNA elsewhere in the genome or how deactivating CCR5 might leave you【C7】______to other diseases (it may, for instance, make death from flu more likely).
It may even be that editing will one day be used on embryos to enhance genomes (to make people cleverer, say), 【C8】______to cure disease. But that requires regulators, policymakers, scientists and civil society to think through deep【C9】______questions. Work is already under way to develop principles for editing reproductive cells. Earlier this year the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, a think-tank in Britain, outlined two: that the changes brought about by gene-editing should not increase "disadvantage, discrimination or division in society" and that such changes should not harm the【C10】______of the future person. Such debate was always going to be needed. Now it is urgent.
A) involved           B) relieve              C) vulnerable         D) welfare
E) rather than         F) advanced           G) unease              H) make sense
I) ethical               J) unintended         K) endured            L) lighten
M) get                  N) accept              O) shallow [br] 【C1】


答案 F

解析 根据本句空格后的短语by leaps and bounds“非常迅速,突飞猛进”可知,空格内所填内容为动词,且单词表示前进或积极的意义,advance作动词时意为“前进;增加;上涨”,符合句意逻辑,搭配助动词have,advanced符合句意。故本题选F。