泰山(Mount Taishan或Mt.Tai)坐落在山东省中心,穿过了泰安市、济南市和淄博市。其主峰——玉皇顶(Jade Emperor Summit

游客2023-08-08  37

问题     泰山(Mount Taishan或Mt.Tai)坐落在山东省中心,穿过了泰安市、济南市和淄博市。其主峰——玉皇顶(Jade Emperor Summit)在泰安市,约1532.7米高。在古代,皇帝继承王位的第一件事就是去爬泰山,向天地和祖先祈福。据说,不同朝代的72位帝王都曾来这里朝拜过。这些特殊的仪式和祭祀(sacrifice)赢得了广泛的赞誉。此外,许多诗人和文学学者还爬山以获得灵感。宏伟的(grandiose)寺庙、众多的石刻(stone inscription)、石碑(stone tablet)都是他们爬山的证据。泰山也在佛教(Buddhism)和道教(Taoism)的发展中起到了重要作用。


答案     Mt. Tai is located in the center of Shandong Province, lying across the cities of Tai’an, Jinan and Zibo. Its main peak, Jade Emperor Summit, which is within Tai’an City, is about 1532.7 meters high. In ancient times, the first thing for an emperor to do on ascending to the throne was to climb Mount Taishan and pray to heaven and earth or their ancestors. It was said that 72 emperors of different dynasties made pilgrimages here. These special ceremonies and sacrifices earned the mountain widespread fame. In addition, many poets and literary scholars also visited the mountain to gain inspiration. The grandiose temples, the numerous stone inscriptions and stone tablets are the best testaments to these visits. Mt. Tai also played an important role in the development of Buddhism and Taoism.
