扬子鳄有“活化石(the Living Fossil)”之称,是中国东部特有的一种鳄鱼。扬子鳄生活在长江周围的稻田中,面目吓人,也叫土龙(the Mud

游客2023-08-08  37

问题     扬子鳄有“活化石(the Living Fossil)”之称,是中国东部特有的一种鳄鱼。扬子鳄生活在长江周围的稻田中,面目吓人,也叫土龙(the Muddy Dragon)。这种爬行动物是唯一具有冬眠(hibernation)习性的鳄类,冬眠时间长达半年之久。它10月底开始冬眠,直至次年4月上旬才醒来。扬子鳄性情凶猛,食量很大,长期以来被看作是吃鱼的祸害,并一直被捕杀,几乎到了灭绝的边缘。现在只有大约150只野生扬子鳄。大多数扬子鳄生活在圈养环境中。


答案     The Chinese alligator, referred to as "the Living Fossil", is native only to eastern China. It lives in the paddy fields around the Yangtze River. This fearsome-looking beast is also known as the Muddy Dragon. As the only crocodile type that has the habit of hibernation, the reptile can hibernate for as long as six months. Its hibernation starts from the end of October, and it does not wake up until the next early April. The ferocious animal has a large appetite and has long been regarded as a fish-eating pest, which has been persecuted almost to the point of extinction. There are only around 150 Chinese alligators left in the wild. Most of them live in captivity.
