[originaltext]M: Hello?W: Hello, I’m calling about the apartment that was adve

游客2023-08-07  21

M: Hello?
W: Hello, I’m calling about the apartment that was advertised in the paper this morning. Is it still available?
M: There were two, a three bedroom and a two bedroom. But the larger one has been rented.
W: Oh, that’s OK. I was only interested in the two bedroom. Can you tell me what it’s like?
M: Well, it is quite spacious and has sun most of the day. It’s really cheerful. It also has an eating kitchen and there’s plenty of closet space.
W: Sounds good. The ads said the rent was 525 dollars a month. Does that include heat and electricity?
M: No, tenants have to pay their own utilities.
W: I see, what about parking?
M: That’s no problem at all. Each tenant is assigned a particular space, and that space is there as long as they stay in the apartment.
W:[8]Great! Given how rents are these days, this seems almost too good to be true.
M: Listen, why don’t you come over tomorrow and see for yourself? Ring the buzzer number 8. I’ll be in all morning.
W: Fine, see you then.
5. What does the man say about the two bedroom apartment?
6. What’s the woman’s purpose of calling the man?
7. In what condition is the parking place available?
8. What’s the woman’s reaction to the apartment?

选项 A、Only if the apartment has place for parking.
B、As long as the renters pay an additional rent
C、Only if the tenants stay in the apartment.
D、As long as it is not used by others.

答案 C

解析 选项均是Only if或As long as开头,可推测题目问某条件,听音时要留意相关信息。女士问停车有没问题,男士说一点问题都没有,会分配一个专属的地方给每个租客,只要他们还住在公寓里,那个停车位都会留给他们,故选C。