[originaltext]W: Today, in this studio, we have Alberto Cuties, the well-known

游客2023-08-07  14

W: Today, in this studio, we have Alberto Cuties, the well-known Brazilian advocator of the anti-global movement. He’s here to talk about the recent report stating that by 2050, Brazil will be one of the world’s wealthiest and most successful countries. Alberto, what do you say about this report?
M: You know this isn’t the first time that people are saying Brazil will be a great economic power. The same thing was said over 100 years ago, but it didn’t happen.
W: Yes, but you must admit the world’s a very different place now.
M: Of course. In fact, I believe that there may be some truths in the predictions this time around. First of all, though, we must remember the problems facing Brazil at the moment.
W: Such as?
M: There’s an enormous gap between the rich and the poor in this country. In San Paulo, you can see shopping malls full of designer goods right next door to the slum areas without proper water or electricity supplies. A lot of work needs to be done to help people in those areas improve their lives.
W: What needs to be done?
M: Education, for example. For Brazil, to be successful, we need to offer education to all Brazilians.
Successful countries, like South Korea and Singapore have excellent education systems. Brazil needs to learn from these countries.
W: So you’re hopeful for the future?
M: As I said earlier, I’m hopeful. This isn’t an easy job. We need to make sure that these important opportunities for Brazil aren’t wasted as they were in the past.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5. What does the recent report say about Brazil?
6. What did people say about Brazil over 100 years ago?
7. What problem does Alberto say Brazil faces now?
8. What does Alberto say about economically successful countries?

选项 A、It is bound to regain its full glory of a hundred years ago.
B、It will be a major economic power by the mid-21st century.
C、It is a resolute advocate of the anti-global movement.
D、It will face challenges unprecedented in its history.

答案 B

解析 听力开篇一般都会有问题。女士一开始说,有个报告认为,到 2050 年,巴西将会成为世界上最富有、最成功的国家之一。听到原话,考生要在相应的选项上做标记。