[originaltext] I believe that one of the best ways to connect with people and
[originaltext] I believe that one of the best ways to connect with people and
I believe that one of the best ways to connect with people and build quality relationships is through making conversation. Although most people can hold a conversation, only a few are smooth and charismatic when they talk.
Working as a communication coach, I have explored and tested many techniques for improving conversation skills. I have discovered some simple and effective ways to be a smooth talker. Here they are:
First, talk slowly. Typically, good talkers don’t rush into a conversation. (20)They take their time when they reflect on something and when they say it out loud. They act as if they have all the time in the world. This makes them come off as centered and collected. Model this way of talking and you will create the same effect.
Second, hold more eye contact. Most people keep eye contact about 2/3 of the time or less when they talk. In my experience, it’s a very good idea to hold eye contact just a bit more than that. This will convey confidence and interest in interacting with them.
Third, notice the details. People with good conversation skills tend to notice the kind of things that the average person doesn’t notice, and to bring such details into the conversation. (21)They may notice and point out an interesting ring on the other person’s hand, a certain foreign accent, or a certain voice tone they use when saying a name. Thus, such individuals impress people in a very elegant manner.
Fourth, give unique compliments. Anybody can pay a generic compliment to try and get another person’s appreciation. Charismatic people on the other hand are able to really pay attention to others, to look beyond the facade and thus, pay unique compliments. Do the same and besides wooing others, you may even help them find out things about themselves they didn’t know.
Fifth, express your emotions. It’s very rare to meet a person who is comfortable talking about their emotions and how certain things make them feel, especially with strangers. Yet this way of talking is a real virtue. Don’t just present the facts, you’re not a newspaper. Express your feelings about those facts. Keep in mind that it is at the emotional level that people connect best.
Sixth, offer interesting insights. Anybody can talk about the news or express basic opinions. (22)But good talkers can frequently tell you things you didn’t know and that you’ll find fascinating. This is why it’s good to have knowledge into fields such as psychology or sociology, and bring such knowledge out at the right moments in a conversation.
Questions 20 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.
20. What makes good talkers appear centered and collected?
21. How will people feel if someone points out details about them?
22. Why is it good to have knowledge into fields like psychology or sociology?
A、Good talkers will be able to talk about it for a long time.
B、It is a good way to show the talker’s plentiful knowledge.
C、People can bring such knowledge out in a conversation and fascinate others.
D、Most people can say something about psychology and sociology.
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