A new study has drawn a bleak picture of cultural inclusiveness reflected in

游客2023-08-07  14

问题     A new study has drawn a bleak picture of cultural inclusiveness reflected in the children’s literature available in Australia. Dr. Helen Adam from Edith Cowan University’s School of Education 【C1】 ________ the cultural diversity of children’s books. She examined the books 【C2】 ________ in the kindergarten rooms of four day-care centers in Western Australia. Just 18 percent of 2,413 books in the total collection contained any 【C3】 ________ of non-white people. Minority cultures were often featured in stereotypical or tokenistic ways, for example, by 【C4】 ________ Asian culture with chopsticks and traditional dress. Characters that did represent a minority culture usually had 【C5】 ________ roles in the books. The main characters were mostly Caucasian. This causes concern as it can lead to an impression that whiteness is of greater value.
    Dr. Adam said children formed impressions about ’difference’ and identity from a very young age. Evidence has shown they develop own-race 【C6】 ________ from as young as three months of age. The books we share with young children can be a valuable opportunity to develop children’s understanding of themselves and others. Books can also allow children to see diversity. They discover both similarities and differences between themselves and others. This can help develop understanding, acceptance and 【C7】 ________ of diversity. Census data has shown Australians come from more than 200 countries. They speak over 300 languages at home. Additionally, Australians belong to more than 100 different religious groups. They also work in more than 1,000 different occupations. "Australia is a multicultural society. The current 【C8】 ________ promotion of white middle-class ideas and lifestyles risks 【C9】 ________ children from minority groups. This can give white middle-class children a sense of 【C10】 ________ or privilege," Dr. Adam said.
     A) alienating        F) investigated        K)secondary
     B) appreciation      G) overwhelming        L) superiority
     C) bias              H) portraying          M) temperament
     D) fraud             I) representation      N) tentative
     E) housed            J) safeguarded         O) threshold [br] 【C3】


答案 I

解析 名词辨析题。空格前面为不定代词any,后面为介词of,因此空格处应填入名词,和后面的of non-white people一起构成名词短语,作contained的宾语。根据空格所在句提到的just 18 percent of 2,413 books和该段倒数第二句“The main characters were mostly Caucasian.”推测空格所在句是指澳大利亚现有的童书对非白人的描述很少。I)representation“描述,描绘”符合句意,故为答案。