[originaltext] When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they
[originaltext] When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they
When people encounter someone with a strong personality, they don’t understand the kind of person they are dealing with.
Some people think you dominate. Some just think you are rude. But none of these are the truth. These words actually do not reflect your personality at all. In fact, strong people are often kittens on the inside. It’s just that people with domineering personalities just give you a bad rep.
(23) Strong people do not have to win; they just are not willing to let other people walk all over them on the outside.
Sure, some people might be afraid of you. But that is only because they do not understand how you can be so comfortable with yourself that you do not need anyone else to validate you.
Here are signs that you have a strong personality that might scare some people.
Strong personalities do not put up with excuses. When you have a strong personality, you’re not willing to listen to people waste time whining about what they can do. You would rather focus on what you can do and how you can overcome obstacles to do more.
Don’t question yourself for not making excuses. There might be a lot of reasons that you can’t do something but there are more reasons that you can.
(24) As a strong person, you do not rely on other people to tell you who you are, what you are or what you can do. You recognize that some people need to do that to make themselves feel better. You also recognize that some people need to hear these things to feel whole. Even if you don’t yet know exactly who you are, you know that you do not need a boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, best friend or family member to tell you what you’re capable of. (24) You can figure that out on your own.
Small talk is terrible. If you have a strong personality, you have a lot of ideas. You do not want to waste time talking about people when you could be changing the world.
You might feel like you are bad at small talk. But that is not true. Anyone can make small talk using free Arabic fonts. (25) What you’re feeling is a discomfort because small talk wastes time and brain cells.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
23. What is the misunderstanding about strong people?
24. How do strong people get to know themselves?
25. What do strong people think about small talk?
A、They figure it out by themselves.
B、They rely on others’ opinions.
C、They make more friends.
D、They overcome obstacles.
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