Social media is absolutely everywhere. Billions of people use social media o
Social media is absolutely everywhere. Billions of people use social media o
Social media is absolutely everywhere. Billions of people use social media on a daily basis to create, share, and exchange ideas, messages, and information. Both individuals and businesses post regularly to engage and interact with people from around the world. It is a powerful communication medium that simultaneously provides immediate, frequent, permanent, and wide-reaching information across the globe.
People post their lives on social media for the world to see. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, and countless other social channels provide a quick and simple way to glimpse into a job candidate’s personal life—both the positive and negative sides of it. Social media screening is tempting to use as part of the hiring process, but should employers make use of it when researching a potential candidate’s background?
Incorporating the use of social media to screen job candidates is not an uncommon practice. A 2018 survey found that almost 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates before hiring them. But there are consequences and potential legal risks involved too. When done inappropriately, social media screening can be considered unethical or even illegal.
Social media screening is essentially scrutinising a job candidate’s private life. It can reveal information about protected characteristics like age, race, nationality, disability, gender, religion, etc. and that could bias a hiring decision. Pictures or comments on a private page that are taken out of context could ruin a perfectly good candidate’s chances of getting hired. This process could potentially give an unfair advantage to one candidate over another. It creates an unequal playing field and potentially provides hiring managers with information that can impact their hiring decision in a negative way.
It’s hard to ignore social media as a screening tool. While there are things that you shouldn’t see, there are some things that can be lawfully considered—making it a valuable source of relevant information too. Using social media screening appropriately can help ensure that you don’t hire a toxic employee who will cost you money or stain your company’s reputation. Consider the lawful side of this process and you may be able to hire the best employee ever. There is a delicate balance.
Screening job candidates on social media must be done professionally and responsibly. Companies should stipulate that they will never ask for passwords, be consistent, document decisions, consider the source used and be aware that other laws may apply. In light of this it is probably best to look later in the process and ask human resources for help in navigating it. Social media is here to stay. But before using social media to screen job candidates, consulting with management and legal teams beforehand is essential in order to comply with all laws. [br] When could online personal information be detrimental to candidates?
A、When it is separated from context.
B、When it is scrutinised by an employer.
C、When it is magnified to a ruinous degree.
D、When it is revealed to the human resources.
根据题干信息词detrimental to candidates,答案线索可定位至第四段。第四段第三句提到:“私人页面上的图片或评论如果被断章取义,可能会毁掉一个完美候选人被录用的机会。”社交媒体筛选会对求职者产生不利影响,而产生不利结果的条件就是该句所说的“私人页面上的图片或评论被断章取义”。A项中的is separated from context是原文are taken out of context的同义替换,故是正确答案。B、D两项的内容本身是中立性行为,不会直接对求职者产生不利的影响,故排除。C项文中未提及,故排除。
红细胞比容是指红细胞()。A.与血浆容积之比 B.与白细胞容积之比 C.在
结构中含有硝基不含氯原子的是()。A:地西泮 B:硝西泮 C:氯硝西泮
脱疽湿热毒盛证的治法是A.活血通络止痛 B.温阳通脉、散寒止痛 C.清热利湿
()就是分析数据化。 A.量化分析B.综合分析C.横向分析D.纵
产品品牌属于产品整体概念中的( )。A.特殊产品 B.核心产品 C.有形产
属于玻化微珠保温砂浆优良的特性的有( )。A.保温隔热性能 B.防火耐老化性能