Spring is arriving earlier in cities. Why is this? A recent study proposed a

游客2023-08-04  9

问题     Spring is arriving earlier in cities. Why is this? A recent study proposed a culprit (元凶) : light pollution, a key【C1】________between a city center and the surrounding area. To test if this could cause【C2】________blooms, researchers exposed plants to long periods of artificial light and found that, as predicted, exposed plants started blooming earlier than those that grew in【C3】________light.
    Unsurprisingly, plants are【C4】________assessing the available daylight to understand if it’s time for them to bloom. When the days become long enough, they know to start making leaves. But city lights make it harder for plants to assess when spring has actually sprung. Heavy exposure seems to trick plants into【C5】________it’s later in the year and that conditions are better than they actually are.
    Whatever the reason, or combination of reasons, when plants bloom earlier than usual, it can spell disaster for ecological systems—in which【C6】________is key. Take for example, the relationship between oak trees and winter moths. When the moths hatch each spring, the larvae (幼虫) feed on the oak leaves. If they hatch too early, there’s no food. If they hatch too late, the【C7】________leaves are too hard for the larvae to eat. Then, if the larvae die, the things that feed on moths die, like bats. Fewer bats mean mosquitoes can【C8】________, having lost one of their major predators (捕食者). More mosquitoes can mean more vectors for disease and more chances of human exposure.
    Unlike climate change, however, light pollution is a problem with readily apparent【C9】________ One report from Italy suggests using fixtures that cast light downward instead of upward and outward, or switching to high-efficiency bulbs that emit narrower wavelengths of light, which researchers have found don’t【C10】________plants quite so strongly.
    A) affect      E) instantly  I) prosperous  M) thinking
    B) constantly  F) mature     J) rarely      N) thrive
    C) difference  G) normal     K) regard      O) timing
    D) early       H) numerous   L) solutions [br] 【C2】


答案 D

解析 形容词辨义题。此处空格位于to引导的目的状语从句中,根据空格前的动词cause以及空格后的名词blooms可以判断,此处空格处应填入一个形容词修饰blooms。语义上,前文明确提到春天到来的时间更早,而一项研究指出光污染是罪魁祸首,此处空格所在的句子承接上文,this指代前文中提到的light pollution,因而可以判断该句意为“为了检测光污染是否能够导致开花时间提前”,故选D。