[originaltext]W: Charles, as a singer, do you ever make yourself cry when you s

游客2023-08-04  14

W: Charles, as a singer, do you ever make yourself cry when you sing?
M: No, not at this stage. I’m an old man. But the songs can still get through to me.
W: What song writers are currently exciting you?
M: I don’t know much about song writers. Once in a while, I’ll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out. But it’s not too often I hear something I like. Somebody like Art Tatum can make me sit up and take notice. But some music, like Rap, isn’t very musical, and I can’t learn anything from it. You got to do something more than talk to me.
W: What’s the most difficult kind of music to sing?
M: It depends. If I like something, I can sing it. I did the opera Porgy and Bess, and that’s said to be a complicated piece of music. And I can do country music, blues and love songs. On the other hand, I can’t sing something i don’t like and that’s one of my defects.
W: Can you perform music that’s out of tune with the mood you might be in on a given night?
M: Yes, because when you sing, you are like an actor performing a part. Once you get out there you become that part, only you are using music instead of dialogue. I’m the kind of person that if my personal life is hurting, I can go to work and the music will take over. It’s like a guy who goes to a bar and drinks. For those few hours, I can wrap myself up in my music.
1.What does Charles say songs can do when he sings them?
2.What does Charles say about himself as a singer?
3.What’s one of the man’s weaknesses?
4.What will Charles do when his personal life is hurting?

选项 A、He can’t do such a complicated piece of music as the opera.
B、He can’t sing a song that he doesn’t like.
C、He can’t concentrate on his singing sometimes.
D、He can’t play musical instrument while singing.

答案 B

解析 对话的中间部分,男士说道,我唱不了不喜欢的音乐,这是我的缺陷之一。由此可见,男士的弱点是他无法演唱自己不喜欢的歌,正确答案为B。对话中男士提到自己可以演唱歌剧,故A项错误。C、D两项原文中都未提及,应排除。