[originaltext]W: Good afternoon, Mr. Green. I’m planning to go abroad for study

游客2023-08-04  28

W: Good afternoon, Mr. Green. I’m planning to go abroad for study. Do you think I should get some health insurance?
M: I think so. One unexpected medical emergency can drain your financial resources, leaving you no money to pay for school. As a result, you’ll have no choice but to return to your own country.
W: How can I get health insurance?
M: You really have two basic choices for health insurance; obtain international insurance in your home country before you depart or student health insurance once you arrive.
W: Then how to get international insurance?
M: As for international insurance, you’ll have to pay the medical costs in full on your own. If you have sufficient funds, then this won’t be a problem.
W: Oh, that seems not suitable for me. What about the second option?
M: As for the second option, you’ll probably just have to pay a certain percentage, and the company will pay their part.
W: That sounds good. Then what should we note when signing the insurance agreement?
M: Well, be sure to clearly understand the terms of the agreement you sign with the insurance company. There are often a number of limitations and restrictions with the policy, and fully understanding them will reduce the number of misunderstandings that could arise.
W: Oh, I see.
M: It is wise of you to consider health insurance before going abroad to study. However, many students only think about insurance when it is too late as they sit in the hospital’s emergency room. So get insurance to help you pay for your medical expenses; otherwise, you might not have money for tomorrow’s school tuition.
W: Well, I think I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you so much, Mr. Green.
M: You’re welcome.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
1. What is the possible result of having no health insurance when one studies abroad?
2. What kind of insurance does the woman most probably take?
3. What should one pay attention to when signing an insurance contract?
4. What do we learn from the end of the conversation?

选项 A、He may not be treated in case of an unexpected medical emergency.
B、He may get into financial trouble because of an unexpected medical emergency.
C、He may have to turn to society for help.
D、He may get some financial support from the government.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士问男士她出国读书应不应该办理医疗保险,男士回答说应该办,并在句中对女士说,在国外如果发生意外,(没有保险的话)医疗急救会花光她所有的钱。因此答案为B。