What did Stella Bianchi expect the young boy’s mother to do when she talked to h

游客2023-08-03  19

问题 What did Stella Bianchi expect the young boy’s mother to do when she talked to him? [br] Due to the child-centric nature of our society, ______.

选项 A、parents are worded when their kids swear at them
B、people think it .improper to criticize kids in public
C、people are reluctant to point our kids’ wrongdoings
D、many conflicts arise between parents and their kids

答案 C

解析 根据题干中的child-centric nature定位于文章第十六段,该段最后一句话与[C]选项构成同义替换,即reluctant(不情愿的)对应原文中的worried和conflict,而point out wrong doings对应point these things out,故选[C]。[A]选项为“孩子骂他们时,他们会感到焦虑”,而原文是说他们害怕对孩子说“不要骂人”,原文举这个例子旨在说明父母管教孩子时存在顾虑,注意swear at sb.意为“咒骂某人”。 [D]选项为“父母和孩子之间产生了很多冲突”,但原文是说父母害怕产生矛盾,意思不同,故排除。